Understanding True Detox in Your Clinic
Already a True Cellular Detox™ Practitioner? 

How This Elite Group of Retired Individuals 
Live Pain-Free, with Limitless Energy
Healthy Libidointo their 50s, 60s, 70s and Beyond 

What if One Simple Program Could: 

reboot your metabolism, enliven your brain, turn back the aging clock, support your gut-microbiome, create new energy, improve your mood, and condition your muscles?

This revolutionary program sets true
holistic health as its benchmark.

  Click or Tap Video for Audio...

What if One Simple Program Could: 

reboot your metabolism, enliven your brain, turn back the aging clock, support your gut-microbiome, create new energy, improve your mood, and condition your muscles?

This revolutionary program sets true
holistic health as its benchmark.

Even if you aren’t concerned about “getting into shape,”
you probably want to:

Trim some of that weight around the middle

Stop feeling tired & have more mind & body energy

Feel young, move gracefully,  &
live more

age-related body & mind decline

Aging is inevitable, right? WRONG. 

Jack Tips Ph.D., C.Hom, C.C.N. has discovered you DON’T have to age like everyone else... 

You DON’T miss out on the joys of life – the hiking trails, playing sports, playing with your children or grandchildren, dancing, bicycling. 

You DON’T have to surrender muscle strength, flexibility, and stamina for fat duffs, aches, and pains. 

You DON’T have to struggle opening jars and getting out of cars. 

You DON’T have to give up mobility (freedom), clear cognition (bright thoughts), and muscle power.

Reality Check: Weak Muscles...

Cause Fatigue

So you’re more likely to stay put on the couch instead of heading to the park to relish being vitally alive, ride your bike, and enjoy your kids and grandkids.

Cause Aches & Pains

Ever wonder why you’re so sore even when you didn’t do much? Here's why! Weak muscles are slower to heal and reduce the quality of your life.

Create Poor Moods

Weak muscles can mean that you’re losing your zest for life. Brain neurotransmitters become sluggish. The 'lights' become dim.

Create An Unsteady Gait

When you’re unsteady, you don’t want to walk - and you feel you’re becoming accident prone.

Lower Libido

All body systems are interconnected. If you spending too much time sitting, your sex drive and enjoyment suffers.

Have More Fat, Less Muscle

The waistline shows it. Elastic pants aren’t the answer! Muscle loss is real but doesn’t have to be! It's easy to harness their metabolic engines!

Why Your MUSCLES Hold the 
Key to Feeling Youthful at Any Age

Did you know that most people lose 3-5% of their muscle mass each decade after 30? 

Scientists have discovered this is a major underlying factor in the symptoms of premature aging. 

The good news is, this CAN be reversed — but it means: 

  • If you want a healthy heart, you must have muscles working throughout your body.
  • If you want a healthy, long-living brain with clear thoughts and excellent memory, you must have healthy muscles. 
  • If you want to maintain a healthy gut microbiome, you must have performing muscles.
  • If you want optimal hormone balance, you must have all your muscles engaged.
  • If you want healthy energy, glucose balance, cholesterol balance – you guessed it, the muscles have a huge say.
G. Tyler
“Impressed With What This Program Can Accomplish…”

“The LimitlessLiving Program seems basic—breath-work with stretching that strengthens muscles—I was surprised after the enjoyable 28-min session, I found my muscles had obtained a worthy workout and my brain and energy were very invigorated. When I peeked ahead, I was truly impressed with what this program can accomplish. I’m on my way to being a believer in this well-rounded program’s benefits.” 

That’s why Dr. Jack Tips, Ph.D., and Dr. Ben Anderson created The LimitlessLiving Program™. 

It’s a solution for Age-Related Muscle Loss and how to maintain the body’s strength, mobility, flexibility, and of course, a whole lot more because it’s a way to recharge your body and energy.)

“Optimal Cellular Health absolutely depends on the
metabolic messengers from muscle fiber activity!”

— Kristin Hecksel, Nutritionist

Dr. Ben and Dr. Jack created this program out of necessity.

Being a person who sits too much (consulting, reading, writing, relaxing, traveling), at age 65, Dr. Jack noticed that he’d lost a wee bit of strength, flexibility, and stamina. 

Why the Right Kind of Exercise is the #1 Anti-Aging Activity
(and Why It’s Easier than You Think)

He discovered that the right kind of exercise—ones that activate cellular life processes and keep the body young and flexible – are necessary to prevent and reverse concerns about dreaded diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and cognitive decline. 

The right exercise is also critical for preventing autoimmune disease, anxiety/depression, hypothyroid, cancer, and well, you name it … practically everything. 

It just makes sense because DNA talks to DNA. In a moment, he’s going to share everything he learned with you — including: 

  • Least Amount Acceptable? What is the least amount of exercise the body requires to maintain youthful muscles (and cardiovascular, neurological, and metabolic health)?
  • Essential Types of Exercise? Do we need to stretch only? Weight resistance? High Intensity? Stamina? I found there are 4 essential types of exercise and can actually say 5 when breath/relaxation is a conscious focus.
  • Impact On Body, Mind, Spirit? What is the impact of muscle metabolic processes on the whole body? Hint: unbelievably huge!
  • Herbs/Nutrition? What supplementation is necessary, safe, and effective to hasten results?

You’ll soon see how the brilliant Dr. Ben Anderson is a huge blessing to this program and to those who use it. Ben is a true healer and man with a heart of gold. 

Together, Dr. Jack and Ben filmed over 90 demonstrative videos so you can learn the simple, enjoyable, 28-minute/day program, one step at a time.  

Ben developed the SolutionSeries™ where you will be able to focus remedial attention on your weak areas—neck injuries, shoulder degenerations, knees, ankles, hips, and more. Ben specializes in neurology (so Brain Activation is part of our focus). 

For the First Time Ever, You Can Get Everything
These Two Doctors Discovered as Part of LimitlessLiving 

This program is fully customized to YOUR specific needs, desires, and abilities. It’s implemented at your own pace. You'll never be left in back of a crowded gym wondering what to do next! (Or trying to follow an exercise instructor who’s half your age and could moonlight as a pro football player or cheerleader!)

Imagine all the fun changes in your life when you get up off the couch and into motion! Go ahead - more golf, more travel, more bowling, more hiking, more biking, more life! Now imagine that you have a simple, do-able, proven program that is customized to your unique body, needs, and desires.

Let’s mention even more benefits of the
LimitlessLiving™ Program:

  • Look and feel better with more energy
  • Lose weight (clothes fit better)
  • Walk gracefully with glide in your stride
  • Improve cognition (mental clarity & memory)
  • Improve virility and libido
  • Reduce stress (more joy in life)
  • Less pain (freedom to do more in life)
  • Maintain better metabolic balance

And of course, more energy to do the things you love! (More fun, more experiences!)

The LimitlessLiving Program is an on-line educational, interactive experience for people over age 39 (with no upper age limit), or for young people transitioning out of a sedentary lifestyle. 

It features a proprietary, in-depth nutritional questionnaire and optimized nutrition supplements. 

Systemic Formulas has created a special collagen/muscle metabolic formula for us that features cutting edge, cell-ready nutrients to help optimize muscle performance.  

It’s an absolutely amazing, knock-your-socks-off formula, soon to be released.

We’ve put it all together: a specific, cell-ready nutrition program, 9-weeks of graduated exercises that any- and every-one can do; plus the SolutionSeries that addresses trouble-spots; plus various lifestyle information that simplifies the quest for health and maximizes your efforts. 

Once you complete the course, you’ll have a TOOL FOR LIFE – it’s all you need to maintain muscle fitness with direct impact for whole-body health, freedom, and longevity. 


Where to Start

Your Wellness Needs Are As Unique As Your Fingerprint

…Which is why this program is so transformational!

It all starts with determining exactly what YOU need. Your first step is taking the proprietary Personal Self-Assessment Questionnaire which helps maximize your experience using key nutritional supplements. Developed by WellnessWiz Jack, based on over 33 years of clinical practice, the Questionnaire:

  • Address your core supplement foundation so that you experience the maximum muscle nutrition, minimize soreness, enliven mitochondrial energy, and have targeted support for your muscle activities.
  • Delivers cellular nutrients to help your body’s normal, natural processes for effective muscle performance so you get the most out of your journey toward better health, stronger muscles, and more vitality.
  • Helps choose which of Four Advantage Plans will stoke your cellular fires and provide the best nutrients so that you can achieve your individual health and energy goals.
  • When you take the Personal Self-Assessment Questionnaire as part of your StokedSystem’s “LimitlessLiving™ Program”, you’ll be saving more than $959.00 in lab tests to derive similar insights.
  • Gene Testing: To further customize and enhance your program (and your results!) a variant gene test analysis is an optional addition. A quick oral swabbing is all that’s needed. Your genetic raw data is analyzed for key challenges.

Both the Self-Assessment Questionnaire and the Gene Test Option, support individualization of your nutrition program.



Muscles Love To Breathe, Stretch & Be Strong.
Muscles Love Burning Fat For Energy.

The program provides you day-by-day guidance through a marvelous 9-week journey where you focus on maximum results with minimum risk of injury, in the minimum amount of time.

  • 28-minute/day exercise routines (videos, step-by-step photos, and guide-sheets) overhaul your muscles, enliven your energy, burn fat, and have all the benefits that come from an active lifestyle – but didn’t know how easy it is to accomplish!
  • No need for weights, medicine balls, kettle bells, skin-tight work-out pants (unless they make you feel like you're a teenager again), talcum powder, climbing walls, tractor tires, or boxing gloves. Come as you are!
  • Better health in 3 parts: STRETCHING, STRENGTH, and STAMINA. You'll soon have it all! Every week builds for the next, and every week addresses all three of these topics but goes in an order that’s proven SAFE, CORRECT, and PROVEN.


THE SolutionSeries™

Targeted Support For Your Weakest Links

This is a 4-part, specific-focus program for the top 4 areas of the body that wear out too soon or have the most symptoms.

The Elbows, Wrists & Hands 
The Neck, Shoulders & Thorax
The Low Back & Hips
The Knees, Ankles & Feet

  • You’ll choose one module to receive the benefits of over a decade of clinical bodywork, and a lifetime of personal fitness development by Dr. Ben Anderson.
  • You’ll focus on your weak links to strengthen any “problem areas” that can negatively impact your overall health and energy.
  • You are only as strong as your weakest link. And you may not have realized that areas were the root cause of so many aches and pains



Muscles Love To Breathe, Stretch & Be Strong.
Muscles Love Burning Fat For Energy.

We know that creating a healthy lifestyle and cultivating simple new habits doesn’t happen without support. That’s why you’ll enjoy the short HealthTips Videos that pack a life-changing punch . Dr. Ben and WellnessWiz Jack accompany you through your program every step of the way and share the pearls, the fun, and myth-busting information to enhance your experience and results.


Tools for Life

  • Lifestyle Videos and WellnessWizdom™ Archives. In addition to your daily, guided regimen, you’ll have access to a host of valuable video discussions and downloads by WellnessWiz Jack and Dr. Ben.
  • Once You Finish Your Program, Now What? You’ll have all the experience and tools to maintain your muscles for life. You’ll know how to capitalize on your new muscle strength, flexibility, and stamina; and enjoy your favorite activities. You'll have your inner fires making energy and you cellular machines running more efficiently.
– M. Crosby
“I Found What I Call ‘The Real Deal’!”

“I met Dr. Ben on referral from WellnessWiz Jack and in both these practitioners, I found what I call the real deal — health professionals that put the patient first and bend over backwards to ensure success of the natural health improvement process. In my case, these guys are miracle men and were a turning point in my life. I’ll share a secret, WellnessWiz Jack has an incredible sense of humor and Dr. Ben has a knack of cutting to the essentials and making them understandable. Together they are terrific teachers and guides.”
C. Chavez
“My Doctor Was So Impressed With My Diet And Exercise Commitment Because It Shows On My Lab Report…”

“How easy is this! I can do this program practically anywhere – terrific because I travel frequently for work and never miss a stride. Further, my doctor was impressed with my diet and exercise commitment because it shows on my lab report. 
T. Jackson
“It Works!”

“It works! I already exercise an hour a day—something I started when I needed to do physical therapy after an auto accident. I simply devoted 28 minutes to the LimitlessLiving program, religiously took the supplements, and included my own regimen of free weights and cardio. I’ve discovered I had muscles that were not being addressed by my routine and that, while being considered ‘buff’, I was not well balanced. This program was easy for me, yet it improved my body composition, took a little tummy flab away, so I can attest that this program provides quality exercises that pay off much better than quantity. It’s taking my PT work to a new level.”

Join at HALF PRICE as Part of this Exclusive Beta Test 

To launch this program, we’re first conducting a Beta-Test where a small group of people can do the entire program at half-price with the promise to provide us with feedback. 

During the Beta Test, Dr. Ben and Dr. Jack will provide vigilant support and seek your experience and to learn the realities of the program’s benefits beyond our initial testing with patients over the past year.

It’s available now, for the first time ever. Enrollment ends in 30 days, and then we’ll jump-start you into a new phase of health.  

As you’ll see, muscle metabolic processes are foundational to health—more than most experts even know. 

They impact the whole body and are critically important to happiness, initiative, mobility, and freedom from disease. 

They are basic to a person’s survival. Muscle health is just as important to health as good digestion, gut-microbiome, low inflammation, and restful sleep.  

Dr. Ben and Dr. jack look forward to working with people (ages 39 to 129) who are ready to seize the day and create on-going health, happiness, vitality, mobility, physical capability, sharp minds, good libido, optimal weight, and functional freedom—now and for the rest of their lives. 

Join and Receive Over 80% Off as Part of this Exclusive Beta Test 

To launch this program, we’re first conducting a Beta-Test where a small group of people can do the entire program at over 80% off with the promise to provide us with feedback. 

During the Beta Test, Dr. Ben and Dr. Jack will provide vigilant support and seek your experience and to learn the realities of the program’s benefits beyond our initial testing with patients over the past year.

It’s available now, for the first time ever. Enrollment ends in 30 days, and then we’ll jump-start you into a new phase of health.  

As you’ll see, muscle metabolic processes are foundational to health—more than most experts even know. 

They impact the whole body and are critically important to happiness, initiative, mobility, and freedom from disease. 

They are basic to a person’s survival. Muscle health is just as important to health as good digestion, gut-microbiome, low inflammation, and restful sleep.  

Dr. Ben and Dr. jack look forward to working with people (ages 39 to 129) who are ready to seize the day and create on-going health, happiness, vitality, mobility, physical capability, sharp minds, good libido, optimal weight, and functional freedom—now and for the rest of their lives. 

Everything You Receive With The LimitlessLiving Program:

  • Meticulous Video Demonstrations
  • Detailed Printed Instructions
  • Entertaining Health Perspectives
  • World-Renowned Expert Guidance
  • Custom, targeted nutrition supplementation
    (35-years clinical practice - optional, discounted purchase)
  • Life Enhancing Information
  • Lifestyle Videos
  • WellnessWizdom© Notes
  • Dr. Ben SolutionSeries©

As you’ll see, muscle metabolic processes are foundational to health—more than most experts even know. 

They impact the whole body and are critically important to happiness, initiative, mobility, and freedom from disease. 

They are basic to a person’s survival. Muscle health is just as important to health as good digestion, gut-microbiome, low inflammation, and restful sleep.  

Dr. Ben and Dr. jack look forward to working with people (ages 39 to 129) who are ready to seize the day and create on-going health, happiness, vitality, mobility, physical capability, sharp minds, good libido, optimal weight, and functional freedom—now and for the rest of their lives. 

8 Powerful Tools That Make 
Aging a Thing of the Past

  • Video demonstrations of each of the 79 graduated movements that span a 9-week program. This includes improving flexibility, strength, stamina, and brain activation. [$900 value]
  • Written demonstrations of each of the 79 graduated movements with progressive photos. You’ll never wonder how to use these scientifically-backed movements to reverse muscle loss and regain your youthful vitality. [$450 value]
  • 27 fascinating glimpses into what science says (if you’re wasting muscle, you’re wasting brain) about how these movements work. This will help you enliven your body, mind, and spirit, sent by email to you during the program. [$300 value]
  • Life-Changing Aging Assessment and Customized Program. Custom-targeted nutritional supplement program specified via a proprietary, 269-question survey that tallies 10 longevity factors and what condition your condition is in. You’ll receive keen insights for your personal nutrition including: 1) cognition improvement, 2) cellular blood-sugar balance, 3) endocrine (hormone) balance, 4) cellular energy, and 5) gut-microbiome/brain connection. [$3000 value]
  • Solution Series Module to Troubleshoot Any Issues. What’s your weak link? Is it Elbows/Wrists/Hands? Neck/Shoulders/Thorax? Low-Back/Hips? Knees/Ankles/Feet? You’ll choose the one for you. Based on Dr. Ben Anderson’s decade of clinical practice specializing in neuro-pain issues, this series of video exercises helps guide you, step by step, to improve the area that most inhibits your freedom of movement. [Value $300]
  • Step-by-Step Instruction Videos to Help Maximize Anti-Aging Process. Also included are key lifestyle presentations such as “Are You Aging In Dog Years?” and how to improve cellular longevity. “The Goldilocks Principle” – not too much, not too little but just right! “Nutrition & Muscle Metabolism” – a look behind the scenes on how your body works. “Rage Against The Dying Of The Light” and “20 Foods That Build Muscle.” [$360 value]
  • Live Webinars that motivate, explain, and answer your questions. [Value $300]
  • Lifetime Membership—So That You Can Continue Using This to Stay Young. This is your program for life. With on-going communications about the latest breakthroughs in the muscle-brain connection and lifestyle factors that help support a healthy, happy, mobile life. No annual renewal. [Value $2000]

That’s $7610 in Anti-Aging Programs 
and Tools — For a One-Time Investment 
So Low, It’s Almost Embarrassing 

Dr. Jack and Dr. Ben have both poured so much of their life’s work into this single program. 

It’s everything needed to not only reverse age-related muscle loss... but also in other areas of your body and health. 

This program can help you regrow your heart... rejuvenate your brain... renew your joints... and return your energy levels back to your 20s or 30s. 

They’ve literally included ALL of their very best tools and strategies — worth over $7,610 —and yet you won’t have to pay a fraction of that. 

When you join LimitlessLiving today... you won’t pay $5000... you won’t pay $2000... you won’t pay $1000 or even $500. 

Your one-time investment for LimitlessLiving is JUST $197. 

That’s only $0.54 per day in your first year alone — and you won’t just use this program for a year... you’ll use it FOR LIFE. 

What if you could have the muscles, mobility,
and results like Charles and Jennifer?

“I Was Diagnosed, Some Time Ago, With Rheumatoid Arthritis At Age 70.”

“Not only does this condition cause pain and stiffness, but, to my unhappy surprise, my body became so weak that I almost could not get out of bed without help, and I was so debilitated that I literally could not pull a blanket up to my chin without a huge effort.

When I started with the LimitlessLiving™ program by consulting with WellnessWiz Jack, I used a little one-pound squeezy ball—not to squeeze, but to perform arm-curls! That was all I could manage. I now do curls with 15-lb kettle-bells, and can say that this is the best physical shape I’ve enjoyed in 20 years, which is a giant pay-back from the program.

Working with WellnessWiz Jack has been life-changing for me, not just in regaining my muscle strength and range of motion, but now I can say that I’m in GOOD SHAPE, feel strong, and have little difficulty doing any daily activity.

This regimen of exercise and strength-building has resulted in a terrific feeling of vitality, and a positive mental state — both necessary for full enjoyment of this wonderful life.”

Charles Hayden

Tularosa, NM

Dr. Jennifer Hailey

Competitive Body Builder

“I Have Worked With Multiple Very Well Known Nutrition And Fitness Coaches And Never Come Close To Achieving My Goals, ’Til Now.”

“Working with WellnessWiz Jack Tips has taken my muscle development to the next level. I feel better than I ever have physically/mentally/emotionally and have been able to attain the physique I have wanted for years. I have worked with multiple very well known nutrition and fitness coaches and never come close to achieving my goals, ’til now. Thank you so much!”

Regain Youthful Muscles and a
Rejuvenated Body—Starting TODAY

This is your chance to avoid that fate... and finally feel YOUNGER day after day... week after week... 

Imagine feeling decades younger and more vital... imagine being able to do everything you love again... imagine the peace of mind that comes from having a fountain of youth as part of your daily routine... 

LimitlessLiving makes this possible. 

And today, you can get it for the lowest investment ever. 

Get started with LimitlessLiving now... so you can add more years to your life and life to your years. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I know this will work for me?
Like any program, it only works if you DO IT. But… if you do it, it’s virtually fail-safe! You will get results.
I’m really busy. How do I find the time?
Um… how many hours of TV are you watching a day? Or how many hours are you sitting and scrolling the Internet or playing with your phone? Now imagine taking JUST 28-minutes of your day and using them to follow a proven system that will overcome the aging process and support other body systems, metabolism, brain and heart function, aging processes, obesity, etc. Besides Dr. Ben and WellnessWiz Jack make it fun
I see that the LimitlessLiving™ Program is a membership. How long is my membership good for?
You will have access to the program forever!
What is my access to personal customer service?
This is a very well-thought-out, online program. And yes, our phone number is there, too – BUT we know that inevitably, with 7 billion people in the world, someone will have an important question or occurrence. If such an occasion arises, all you need to do is fill out the Customer Service form on the website. We’ll get back with you right away. We love to get to know you and help.
I’ve invested in other “exercise” programs before and they’ve never worked. Why is this one different?
Because the “LimitlessLiving™ Program” is all about a holistic approach to improving your whole body biological age. It’s not about a once-and-done exercise video; this regimen is about tapping into cells and every part of your life and lifestyle to make the changes you so desire.
Is this program suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers?
Yes. More than suitable, it’s optimal.
Why don’t the supplements come with the program?
Even though the supplements are essential for the best outcomes for the program, they are an additional expense that varies based on your questionaire results. Your one supplement purchase is for the duration of the entire 9-week program. Reluctantly, having them “optional” allows people who cannot take (or cannot afford) supplements to claim the advantages of the LimitlessLiving™ Program’s insights, exercises, and benefits.
Can one purchased program be used by my entire family?
Yes. It’s a terrific family time to support each others’ health and fitness. And a great warm-up to a family bike ride, walk around the block, or picnic. Each family member will need their own Questionnaire and thus will require an individual email address. You’ll love having the “exercise buddies”!

Meet the Creators of Limitless Living

Dr. Ben Anderson, D.C.
“I Was Born With A Genetic Auto-Immune Disease That Severely Limits My Ability To Exercise…”
I loved playing football in school. I loved being an athlete and encouraging my body to be its best. But soon, I didn’t have the stamina or strength to play sports. While grateful for medical intervention, I wasn’t offered any viable solution for recovery and health improvement.

After struggling with my health – and severely missing playing sports – I knew there had to be a better way. I searched for a solution that would help me feel better and give me freedom to exercise. I soon embraced the Natural Health practices of diet, supplementation, and became a Chiropractor, Yogi, and Neurology expert.

After a lot of research – and being my own “guinea pig” to know what would REALLY work – I developed methods to optimize time spent on body maintenance and created the SolutionSeries™ as part of the LimitlessLiving Program. I was really interested in getting relief from localized pain and physical degenerations in specific areas, like in my wrists, hips, knees, etc. It wasn’t just a “wouldn’t it be nice…” type of research and discovery. It was a MUST-DO to create a graduated program that is effective based on how the body performs various actions in life.

Together, WellnessWiz Jack and I offer the most efficient and comprehensive program available as we include the advantages of neuro-activation (exercises that get the brain re-involved with the muscles), gut-microbiome (the gut-brain-muscle connection for metabolic balance), energy-enlivening breath-work (East meets West) that revitalized the body and mind, all supported with the brilliant nutritional advantage of supplements.

This works for me and I know it will work for you. Today I’m fit, have a strong body, excellent flexibility and wonderful stamina. My great joy is sharing this message of LimitlessLiving with you.
Dr. Ben Anderson is featured in Dr. Datis Kharrazian's book "Why Isn't My Brain Working?". He maintains a busy chiropractic practice in Austin, Texas with a special focus on the body's neuro-connections and self remediation.
Wellnesswiz Jack Tips, PH.D., C.C.N.
“I Didn’t Realize I’d Become A Sedentary Geek!”
My exercise story is the blank page. Meaning “shamefully nothing.” Bolstered by excellent nutrition and supplements – the forté of my years of academic training, research, and love of books and writing – I didn’t realize I’d become a sedentary geek until a group of friends said "sure!"

My life was often sitting at a desk every day for hours to write books and consult with people. Sitting on airplanes. Sitting to read. Sitting to relax. Sitting! Sitting! Sitting! I was so (dare I say it – lazy!) I would float in the pool instead of swimming. Sarcopenia caught up with me. My prior benchmarks of strength, e.g. carry 100-lb bags of organic fertilizer, pull a 75-lb bow (archery), were no longer my capabilities. Something had to change and it had to change FAST! I was turning into a weak old man in front of my eyes.

The scientific research about Age Related Muscle Loss kept hitting me right between the eyes: exercise or die. Soon I made the commitment. Exercise is essential for life, and I got off my duff and back into the buff zone in a few months of gentle, regular exercise and nutritional supplements.

I consulted with various experts, read the latest information and reviewed many studies to learn the facts and latest techniques. Loss of strength, flexibility, and stamina is a direct threat to life, personal freedom, and the ability to hike the wild lands – things that bring great meaning to my life.

Today, I celebrate how great it is to be healthy, happy, and have a body that can experience and enjoy an active, healthy life. At age 67 I hiked the Kalalau Trail on Kaua’i’s NaPali Coast: so glad for this wonderful body that can still walk the road less traveled, and I plan on a repeat performance 10 years from now!

Together, Dr. Ben and I provide what no one else and no other program offers: a truly holistic, comprehensive system for safeguarding and maintaining your muscular and overall health (glucose balance, cardiovascular health, gut-microbiome health, cognition), so you can enjoy a body that’s strong, flexible, with great endurance to experience the very best that life has to offer! Together, we invite you to begin a new phase of life: one filled with energy, vitality, capability and physical freedom. After all, life is for living!
Wellness Wiz Jack is the Author of 16 books and hundreds of articles and research reports. He has lectured with Anthony Robbins, Dr. Deepak Chopra and specializes in detoxification, gut microbiome, and genetic testing for nutritional applications.
Dr. Ryan Bentley
Virtual Clinic
Dr. Ryan Bentley has been described as one of the brightest young leaders in the field of chronic disease prevention and lifestyle medicine. A true innovator, Dr. Bentley has emerged on the national scene with his engaging seminars and the release of his books, Vessels that Thrive and Sex, Lies and Cholesterol, which are being praised by practitioners and lay people alike.

A passion and thirst for learning; Dr. Bentley earned his Medical Degree and a PhD in Biomedical Sciences graduating both summa cum laude. Prior to his venture into medicine he received his first bachelor’s degree in biology went on to earn his doctorate in chiropractic, graduating cum laude. Dr. Bentley has also received bachelor’s degree in biology and human biology. Additionally, he completed two fellowship terms in gross human anatomy. Additionally, Dr. Bentley has served as an anatomy and physiology professor.
Dr. Bentley’s goal is to create tools and resources to educate practitioners on how to construct proven, objective, and quantifiable systems and protocols to help their patients reach optimal health.